Quasiparticles are an essential tool to describe the complex processes arising from strong interactions in solids. These quasiparticles can be simulated and ...
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Jaime Coello de Portugal-Martínez Vázquez defended his PhD thesis on accelerator physics co-directed by Rogelio Tomás (CERN) and Youri Koubychine Physics ...
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Joan Francesc Gilabert Navarro defended his thesis directed by Victor Guallar of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) the 22th of July in the North ...
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Jonathan Fernando Gebbia defended his thesis co-directed by Josep Lluís Tamarit and Michela Romanini on October 6th at the Besòs campus (EEBE). Titled ...
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Jonathan Ordóñez defended his thesis coadvised by Jose Eduardo García and Michel Venet on the 24th of March in Campus Nord. Entitled "Theoretical and ...
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Jordi Ortiz de Urbina defended his thesis directed by Gemma Sesé Castel on September 30, 2021 at the North Campus. Titled “Orientational dynamics and local ...
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Jorge Enrique defended his thesis coadvised by Daniel Crespo and Eloi Pineda on the 28th of June in Campus del Besos. Entitled "Study of the elastic ...
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On June 20, Juan Carlos Flores defended his thesis directed by professors Daniel Crespo and José Calderón, presenting new routes for obtaining nano-particles
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Juan Sánchez-Baena defended his thesis co-directed by Jordi Boronat Medico and Ferran Mazzanti Castrillejo on December 14 at the North Campus. Titled ...
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Judith Medina defended her thesis co-directed by Muriel Botey and Ramon Herrero on November 30 at the Terrassa Campus. Titled "Smart control of light in EEL ...
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