Research News
Martí Català defended his thesis directed by Clara Prats and Sergio Alonso from the Computational Biology and Complex Systems group (BIOCOM-SC) on October 14, 2021 at the Castelldefels Campus. The thesis is entitled "Mathematical models for the study of infectious diseases, from understanding to prediction", and analyzes the application of mathematical models to the spread of Tuberculosis and Covid-19
Jordi Ortiz de Urbina defended his thesis directed by Gemma Sesé Castel on September 30, 2021 at the North Campus. Titled “Orientational dynamics and local order in supercooled molecular liquids”, the thesis analyzes the behavior at temperatures close to the vitreous transition thanks to the results obtained in molecular dynamics simulations
Raúl Sáez García defended his thesis directed by Xavier Prats i Menéndez on October 1, 2021 at the Baix Llobregat Campus. Titled "Traffic Synchronization with Controlled Time of Arrival for Cost-Efficient Trajectories in High-Density Terminal Airspace", the thesis proposes a series of methods and concepts of operations with the aim of improving the efficiency of air operations in airspace terminal.
An international team led by scientists at GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, in collaboration with colleagues by Spanish, Italian and US institutions, where collaborates Estefania Blanch from the department of Physics of the EPSEB, is publishing a new scientific work on induced seismicity in Europe in the Journal Nature Communications.
Researchers from the Group of Characterization of Materials at the Department of Physics of the UPC along with international collaborators have discovered a spin-crossover compound that undergoes a giant thermal response driven by pressure. This work, published in Advanced Materials, open routes to exploit this type of compounds in future solid-state refrigeration technologies as alternative to current methods that use harmful fluids
Albert Falqués and Francesca Ribas, from the group of Nonlinear fluid dynamics of the Physics Department, together with two other researchers from the UPC, have discovered a new morphodynamic instability mechanism that can explain the formation of alongshore-rhythmic systems of transverse finger bars that often develop at beaches with an abundant supply of sand, like those at El Trabucador beach, in the Ebro delta
Jaime Coello de Portugal-Martínez Vázquez defended his PhD thesis on accelerator physics co-directed by Rogelio Tomás (CERN) and Youri Koubychine Physics Department & INTE, UPC) at the ETSEIB on June 16, 2021.