Physics Department Council Summer 2022

Jul 19, 2022

The council of the Department of Physics was held on Monday 18 July under the direction of Jordi Boronat, director of the Department

The council of the Department of Physics was held on July 18 at the Escola Politècnica Superior d'Edificación de Barcelona (EPSEB). The main data and news of the Department are highlighted below:

- Professor Crina Cojocaru is a new professor in the Department.

- David Oriola obtains a ternure track in Physics.

- Soon, there will be competitions for three positions of aggregate teachers who have passed the stabilization plan: Alberto Rebassa, Adrià Rovira and Hyuk Park.

- We have four colleagues who are retiring this year.

- Professor Pietro Massignan obtains an ICREA Academy.

- The BIOCOM-SC research group has received the City of Barcelona award.

- Professor Trinitat Pradell received the Narcís Monturiol medal
