Eventos Eventos del sitio https://fa.upc.edu/es/eventos https://fa.upc.edu/++resource++plone-logo.svg Compartir: Eventos en Abril 2023 Eventos del sitio 2023-04-24T11:30:00+02:00 2023-04-24T12:30:00+02:00 UPC campus nord, B4-212 (aula seminari) Abril 24 Lunes SEMINAR+WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENT 24/04/2023 de 11:30 a 12:30 “The Bose polaron and the Efimov effect”
2023-04-24T11:30:00+02:00 2023-04-24T12:30:00+02:00 UPC campus nord, B4-212 (aula seminari) Abril 24 Lunes SEMINAR+WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENT 24/04/2023 de 11:30 a 12:30 “The Bose polaron and the Efimov effect”