DOCTORAL THESIS READING NOTICES: Numerical analysis of the effect of moisture, dust, and radiation on slope winds over mountainous areas using computational fluid dynamics
Reza Kamali Monfared
- DOCTORAL THESIS READING NOTICES: Numerical analysis of the effect of moisture, dust, and radiation on slope winds over mountainous areas using computational fluid dynamics
- 2023-05-09T14:00:00+02:00
- 2023-05-09T15:00:00+02:00
- Reza Kamali Monfared
May 09, 2023 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)
C4-021B, EETAC, campus UPC Baix Llobregat
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We inform you of the presentation and public defense of the following research plan:
Doctorand: Reza Kamali Monfared
Title: Numerical analysis of the effect of moisture, dust, and radiation on slope winds over mountainous areas using computational fluid dynamicsDirectors: Jose Ignacio Rojas Gregorio and Santiago Arias Calderón
Date 9 de maig de 2023
Place: C4-021B, EETAC, campus UPC Baix Llobregat
Composició del tribunal
- Presidenta: Adeline de Villardi de Montlaur
- Secretari: Fernando P. Mellibovsky Elstein
- Vocal: Sergio González Horcas