SEMINAR+WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: “Bound impurities in a one-dimensional Bose lattice gas”

Felipe Isaule Rodríguez


Jul 11, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 02:00 PM (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


UPC campus nord, B4-212 (aula seminari)

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Felipe Isaule Rodríguez

Instituto de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

 “Bound impurities in
a one-dimensional Bose lattice gas”


The progress in realising ultracold atomic mixtures has greatly revitalised the interest in studying impurities immersed in quantum mediums [1]. Of particular interest is the problem of two correlated mobile impurities, as these can form bound particles usually referred to as bipolarons [2]. In this direction, and motivated by studies of bipolarons in BECs [3], the study of bipolaron-like physics in optical lattices has appeared as a new platform to study highly imbalanced mixtures [4-6].

In our recent work [7], we study two mobile bosonic impurities immersed in a one-dimensional optical lattice and interacting with a bosonic bath. We examine the formation of bound dimers of impurities across superfluid- and Mott-like bosonic baths. We also study the dynamics after a quench of the interactions. We reveal that after large interaction quenches from strong to weak interactions the system can show large oscillations over time with revivals of the dimer states. Moreover, we find that the periods depend strongly on the interaction quenches, resulting in distinct regions of oscillations.

[1] C. Baroni, G. Lamporesi, and M. Zaccanti, arxiv:2405.14562 (2024).
[2] A. S. Alexandrov and N. F. Mott, Rep. Prog. Phys. 57, 1197 (1994).
[3] A. Camacho-Guardian, L. Peña Ardila, T. Pohl, and G. Bruun, PRL 121, 013401 (2018).
[4] S. Dutta and E. J. Mueller, PRA 88, 053601 (2013).
[5] M. Pasek and G. Orso, PRB 100, 245419 (2019).
[6] S. Ding, G. A. Domínguez-Castro, A Julku, A Camacho-Guardian, and G. M. Bruun, SciPost Phys. 14, 143 (2023).
[7] F. Isaule, A. Rojo-Francàs, and B. Juliá-Díaz, arXiv:2402.03070 (2024).