
Jornada de recerca Biologia Computacional i Sistemes Complexos


11/02/2016 de 10:00 a 14:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Escola Politècnica Superior d'Edificació de Barcelona (EPSEB)

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10 h
INDISIM-Paraccocus: An individual-based model to study bacterial denitrification with thermodynamic behavior-rules embedded into the individual metabolic submodel
Pablo Araujo
10.35 h
Paleomagnetisme: Record of past Earth’s magnetic field
Carlota Auguet
11.10 h
11.40 h
The small breathing amplitude at the upper lobes favours the attraction of polymorphonuclear neutrophils to Mycobacterium tuberculosis lesions and helps to understand the evolution towards active disease in an individual-based model
Pere Joan Cardona
12.15 h
Neuronal Cultures: Exploring complex dynamics, resilience amd neurodegeneration
Jordi Soriano
12.50 h
Debat. La formació en Biofísica a la UPC
Modera: Daniel López
14 h
Acabament de la sessió